Data Visualization Fundamentals
路 10 min 馃摌This article introduces the fundamentals of data visualization. It explains key concepts like graphical formats, datasets, and the underlying technologies (SVG, Canvas, WebGL) used by well-known libraries.
This article introduces the fundamentals of data visualization. It explains key concepts like graphical formats, datasets, and the underlying technologies (SVG, Canvas, WebGL) used by well-known libraries.
This book will take you on a journey from the 90s to the now. In our travels, we鈥檒l encounter many frameworks and libraries. For instance, Knockout, React, Angular, Vue, Astro, Fresh, and many more. These meetings will increase our knowledge of their patterns, story, and use cases.
This post takes a closer look at how methods from LINQ in C# relate to JavaScript.
This post takes a closer look at how lambdas work in C# versus JavaScript.
Transpilation is often a must when working with JavaScript. Also, transpilation should not be confused with polyfilling. This article takes a closer look.
This article shows you how to set up a Node.js API project with Docker, Tests, CI/CD, and patterns.
Arrays in JavaScript and C# are very different, and we will compare the two in this post.
This post takes a closer look at how numbers work in C# versus JavaScript.
This article takes a closer look at how strings work in C# versus JavaScript.
C# and JavaScript's approaches to types are very different, and this article takes a closer look.
This post is the introduction to the new C# vs JavaScript series on this site.
With the onload property, you can load an inline script after an external script has loaded. This post shows you how.
What does it mean that something is up in the Cloud? This article gives you a quick introduction to Cloud Computing.
The JavaScript remainder (%) operator is a useful tool when solving problems, and this article takes a closer look at it.
This article concisely overviews the non-blocking and event-driven nature of Node.js. Also, modules, streams, and scalability in Node.js.
Render props, context, fragments, HOCs, portals, refs, and controlled components are all considered to be advanced React. This article concisely goes through them with examples.
Optimizing web applications is not only about tweaking code. A great deal of optimizing is about defusing the limitations of the World Wide Web. This article takes a closer look at just that.
Do you get CSS anxiety? Somethings in CSS can lead to hours of frustration - if not known. This article focuses on things that'll likely cause frustration in your encounters with CSS.
Structuring your HTML-documents correctly and knowing how to use JS to interact with the DOM and CSSOM is essential as a Web Developer. This article looks at how a browser renders a page to cover these things.
TypeScript lets us write JavaScript with types, but TS is more than that. It also gives us new features and a well-built compiler. Read this article to learn TS in 2020.
Tired of copy-pasting Docker commands? The basics of Docker are containers, images, volumes, and the compose tool. This article helps you learn Docker basics.
JavaScript developers should know about design patterns. This article looks at what a design pattern is and how to implement three common patterns in JavaScript.
Testing JavaScript should be a joyful experience. Let's cover static testing, unit testing, integration testing, end-to-end testing, and how to test a React app.
Redux is a state manager. Before we start working with Redux, we should know what an action, action creator, reducer, and middleware are. In this article, we'll look at that.
Event Handlers in JavaScript are more enjoyable to work with when you know how to use Bubbling, Capturing, Delegation, and the Event Object correctly. So let's learn them.
Give your React function components state with React Hooks by learning the essentials like useState, useEffect, and how to create Custom Hooks.
With an iterator in JavaScript, we can, for example, iterate through a sequence of values, create iterables, and control generators. Let's look at iterators and generators.
Knowing what the Event Loop, Event Table, and Callback Queue are in JavaScript, makes it easier to code asynchronously with callbacks and promises.
Type Coercion in JavaScript can be implicit or explicit. Most JS-developers use coercion daily without knowing it. Knowing coercion can save you from lots of headaches.
JavaScript supports prototype-based object orientation, and an object in JavaScript is made up of properties. Prototypes allow us to not having to create classes.
In JavaScript, 'this' is determined based on how we call a function. JavaScript has four rules for 'this' but arrow functions, strangely enough, follow none of them.
Scope is about the accessibility of declared identifiers. JavaScript has two main scopes, global and local. Let's look at scoping and hoisting in JavaScript.
Is Javascript a compiled or interpreted programming language? You might be surprised to find out that JavaScript engines use a JIT (just-in-time) compilation.
A Stack and Queue are both well-known data structures with an O(1) runtime for insert and delete. So, how do we implement Stacks and Queues in Javascript?
Tree Terminology, Binary Trees, and Tree Traversals are things programmers should know. We'll look at that, followed by an implementation of a Binary Search Tree in Javascript.
Finding all paths between two vertices in a graph can be a tricky challenge. By using Depth First Search, we can get all paths between two nodes in a graph.
Analysis of algorithms helps us improve our code or pick the right algorithms. This article gives you an introduction so you can start analysing your algorithms.
URLs are URIs, therefore, asking what separates them is confusing. Instead, we should ask 'what is a URI?', this article will clear that up.
Get started with testing your server in Next.js. Find out how you can set up tests and create tests for both your custom server and serverless routes in Next.js.
Learn the basics of cryptography in Java and how to use the Java Cryptography API. Learn what keys, certificates, keystores, and signatures are and how to create them.
Multithreading can be used to increase the performance of your application. The cost is increased complexity. Find out how you in Java can use multithreading.